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Why Was Sea Travel Important To Early Greece

Why Was Sea Travel Important To Early Greece

Geology survey Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China - What did these spots depend on - What normal hindrances did they have.

1 Geography survey Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China - What did these spots depend on - What characteristic boundaries did they have

Topography audit Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China - What did these spots depend on - What common obstructions did they have

2 Early individuals of the Aegean Sea

Early individuals of the Aegean Sea

3 - The terrain of Greece is an uneven landmass that is encompassed by 3 sides of water - The other piece of Greece's geology is a cluster of little islands

- The terrain of Greece is a precipitous landmass that is encompassed by 3 sides of water - The other piece of Greece's geology is a pack of little islands

4 The mountains on the primary place that is known for Greece fill in as a characteristic hindrance to their kin

The mountains on the primary place that is known for Greece fill in as a characteristic hindrance to their kin

5 The Effects of Mountains The antiquated Greeks built up the polis or city-state. The antiquated Greeks built up the polis or city-state.

The Effects of Mountains The antiquated Greeks built up the polis or city-state.

6 The Polis was the Greek word for "city-state". Polis was the Greek word for "city-state". A city-state is an autonomous city and its encompassing farmland. A city-state is an autonomous city and its encompassing farmland. Each city-state had its own particular government and laws yet the Greeks shared a typical dialect and religion. Each city-state had its own particular government and laws however the Greeks shared a typical dialect and religion.

The Polis was the Greek word for city-state .

7 Trade The Aegean Sea enabled the Greeks to travel and exchange. The Aegean Sea enabled the Greeks to travel and exchange. Exchange energized social dispersion between city states. Exchange empowered social dispersion between city states.

Exchange The Aegean Sea enabled the Greeks to travel and exchange.

8 Minoans settled on the Island of Crete, this implied having control of exchange

Minoans settled on the Island of Crete, this implied having control of exchange

9 When the Minoans vanished the Mycenaean's assumed control Crete, and the Greek terrain When the Minoans vanished the Mycenaean's assumed control Crete, and the Greek territory

At the point when the Minoans vanished the Mycenaean s assumed control Crete, and the Greek terrain When the Minoans vanished the Mycenaean s assumed control Crete, and the Greek territory

10 The skirmish of Troy was a financial competition over exchange

The skirmish of Troy was a financial competition over exchange

11 Mycenaean's were best known for the tale of the Trojan steed and the skirmish of Troy Mycenaean's were best known for the narrative of the Trojan stallion and the clash of Troy

Mycenaean s were best known for the tale of the Trojan steed and the skirmish of Troy Mycenaean s were best known for the narrative of the Trojan stallion and the clash of Troy

12 Heinrich Schliemann demonstrated that the skirmish of Troy happened Heinrich Schliemann demonstrated that the clash of Troy happened

Heinrich Schliemann demonstrated that the skirmish of Troy happened Heinrich Schliemann demonstrated that the clash of Troy happened

13 Closure Why was control over Crete critical? Why was control over Crete essential? Who demonstrated that the clash of Troy did happen and why did it happen Who demonstrated that the skirmish of Troy did happen and why did it happen What does Homer show us? What does Homer show us?

Conclusion Why was control over Crete imperative. Why was control over Crete critical.

14 Stories like this survived in view of creators like Homer Stories like this survived on account of creators like Homer Iliad and the Odyssey, both stories demonstrated clues of the Greeks Iliad and the Odyssey, both stories indicated clues of the Greeks

Stories like this survived in light of creators like Homer Stories like this survived due to creators like Homer Iliad and the Odyssey, both stories indicated clues of the Greeks Iliad and the Odyssey, both stories demonstrated insights of the Greeks

15 Closure What regular obstructions did Greece have?. What normal hindrances did Greece have?. Why was control over Crete essential? Why was control over Crete imperative?

Conclusion What characteristic hindrances did Greece have?. What regular hindrances did Greece have?.

16 Writing Activity questions Why was the skirmish of Troy battled and what as far as anyone knows happened? Why was the clash of Troy battled and what as far as anyone knows happened? Portray the geology of Greece Describe the topography of Greece Why is Crete critical? Why is Crete vital?

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